Gardening tips discussion + lunch

Sunday 22 August 2021
12:00 to 14:00

 Juliet will facilitate a discussion group and exchange of ideas on tips for what to do on your plot this/next month.  Come along with questions, suggestions, or just to listen.  There’s a wealth of experience and expertise amongst plot holders and we’re hoping this discussion group will be an opportunity for sharing and learning from each other.  You might have a plant that’s suffering from a pest or disease that you’d like some advice on, or you might have some produce that’s done particularly well (or badly!) this year that you could share growing tips on.

To be followed by lunch 1 – 2pm.  Whether or not you’ve come to the discussion, pop in to the Barn for a bowl of delicious homemade soup and bread (£3.00) and a slice of cake (£2)