Bee swarms
A seasonal alert from our beekeepers:
"The honey bee swarming season usually starts in May can can last until July. The following allotment bee keepers can be contacted if you come across a swarm. A swarm can seem alarming, but swarming bees are not angry bees, they are full of honey and very focused on finding a new home."
They can, however, stop you from doing anything on your plot unless someone comes to shift them.

There's more information on allotment site posters.

Most improved allotment competition
The previously hotly contested Most Improved Allotment category is being revived for the annual CHADAHS show. Judging will be on July 26th and you can find all the details here. Ideally you should be in your second growing season, but as plots are taken on at different times of the year you may be in your third season. You can nominate yourself, a neighbour or a friend, and organisers stress it doesn't have to be perfect - it's all about progress.

Site Inspection and dirty plots
The new allotment officer has now visited the site, which has resulted in around 20 NCNs (non-compliance notices, aka 'dirty plot letters'). At around 10% of our total plots, this is slightly better than our neighbours at Ally Pally and Highgate. If you have a received an NCN all is not lost - you have 30 days to turn things around, when they will be back to check. However, 2 NCNs in any 3 inspections will result in an eviction notice.
Also, if you haven't already done so, please put your plot number somewhere big and obvious so it can be seen from the path. It's a big site and difficult to see which plot is which without numbers.

The next site inspection is due at the end of June/beginning of July.

CHADAHS trading shed spring update
New stock delivered and for sale now including:
range of potting composts: multipurpose, reduced peat, organic and peat free; grow bags; bagged, blended stable manure; tubtrugs (including new micro size); twine; organic approved slug control products; range of single, general purpose, organic and liquid fertilisers; canes - 4', 5', 6', 8'

Also seeds, including climbing French beans, dwarf French beans, runner beans, peas, sugar snap peas, courgette, squash, brassicas, spinach, radish, lettuce, salad leaves, annual flowers.
Trading enquiries to Lynn, Trading Manager:

Enjoy the sunshine!

Chair SHAA

13:20, 06 May 2016 by Website Admin