Dirty plots and tenancy agreements
Just to let those of you with NCNs know that the re-inspection will be this week. Hopefully few eviction notices will be issued.

A public apology
Committee members are not above the law. Yesterday I received this notice from Bruno, copied to the three Haringey council officers responsible for our site:


As I was passing the Wood Vale gate at about 5pm this afternoon, I was greeted by your dog – off the lead.

May I remind you of what section 10.12 of the tenancy agreement says on this subject: “Not to bring any dog into the allotment site of which the allotment garden forms a part or cause one to be brought in unless the dog is confined to the allotment garden of the tenant and held on a leash.”

I think you will also find that there are notices at both of the main gates, restating this requirement.

This is not the first time I have encountered such a breach by you. In the past, my normal response in such cases would have been to have had a quiet word in the tenant’s ear, and leave it at that. Sadly, I have found recently that to fail to properly document/record misconduct is potentially unhelpful.

Can we therefore take it that this misdemeanour has been logged and recorded – and can I therefore have an assurance that there will be no repeat? An honest, truthful and apologetic answer would assist.

Bruno, site secretary

Bruno is correct. I was walking my dog along the path from my plot to the Wood Vale gate at 5pm yesterday evening, and he was off the lead. I'm sorry, I had thought that as long as my dog was well behaved and controlled it would be acceptable to walk him the 20m from my plot to the gate off the lead. As Chair, I should respect all parts of the tenancy agreement and clearly this is a breach. You have my assurance that it won't happen again, but I think it fair to warn other dog-owners that Bruno is, correctly, policing the site and you may also receive such an email. So please, keep your dogs on the lead at all times - you have been warned. There's a copy of the tenancy agreement on our website here.

Hope to see you at Gary's BBQ

Chair, Shepherds Hill Site Committee

17:38, 07 Jun 2016 by Website Admin