Apologies - the newsletter sent yesterday evening had the wrong contact email for the site. Sent in haste before leaving to collect sick teen from Luton airport.

Ena Duffley
Following the very sad news of Ena's death on July 11th her funeral was held in Ireland - I'm sorry we weren't told about this previously. However, there will be a memorial service for Ena In London in October and Gary Sycamore will have more details nearer the time. If you'd like to send a message to Ena's family please contact Justin Lumley, the Secretary at Hilltop House where Ena lived.

46 Hilltop House
117 Hornsey Lane
London N6 5NW
07773 103 839; 020 7561 1976

Trading shed stock update
Lynn and Julia would like to let you know that there's new stock in the trading shed including 8' canes, potting compost, slug pellets, enviromesh and more besides. Open as usual from 11am-1pm every Sunday.

Harington roses
The Harington Scheme is selling traditional David Austen fragrant roses at £5 a pot. For those who don't know, the Harington is our local charity supporting young adults with learning difficulties by providing horticultural and retail training. You can find them at 55a Cholmeley Park, N6. The website is here.

Surplus produce
And so begins the season of the glut. If you have surplus produce - anything from sweet peas to French beans, take it to Gary on Saturdays and he will sell it at the Farmers' Market at Ally Pally on Sundays in aid of the Harington.

Shepherds Hill site committee minutes
The minutes of the last committee meeting are now on our website.
We'd especially like to flag up item 4.
If you have an elderly or less able-bodied neighbour who you think may need help shifting rubbish from their plot would you be willing to help them? The committee is planning to have a clearance weekend in September to get rid of junk from the site. We won't have a skip (too expensive) but we're asking people to volunteer with cars/vans to take rubbish direct to the recycling centre - we'll get special clearance for multiple visits. If you'd be willing to help please let Gary know gsycamore@btinternet.com

If you have any questions or would like clarification on anything in the minutes please get in touch with Rachel or Esther info@shepherdshillallotments.co.uk

To get items on the agenda for the next committee meeting on 4th October please email Esther at info@shepherdshillallotments.co.uk

Website update
Our website is up to date and we'd like everyone to feel free to use the forum - especially if you've got things to get rid of or swap. Nick's put up some bottles which are perfect for apple juice and Charlie's changed the site so you can see the Give and Take discussions without having to log in, though you'll have to log in to reply, or to view any discussions on devolution. If you've lost your log in details please let Charlie know cs@sweeney-design.co.uk and he'll send you a new one.

Site inspections
We've now had two site inspections this year with a third due in September. In future we'd like to give people warning that their plot is likely to fall foul of the council's inspection but we had very short notice before the last one. One or two of the committee members will have a walk round in the last week of August and we will hope to flag up problems in advance.

I think that's about it.


10:18, 24 Jul 2016 by Website Admin