Plant, seed and produce swap October 30th
The plant, seed and produce swap will be on October 30th in the trading shed yard - note changed date. This is the time to divide clumps of perennials and we already have offers of crocosmia, verbena, yellow iris and lupins, with day lilies, delphiniums and dahlias on the wanted list. Please collect seeds to swap too.  We'll have kitchen foil to make seed parcels on the day should you need it. This is also a chance to swap jams, chutneys, surplus fruit and anything else.

If you have anything to swap please come to the trading shed yard by 11.15am to lay out your wares. If you have nothing to swap but would like seeds and plants please come at 11.30. Or just come along and have a cup of tea. Many thanks to Cath and Annie for helping to organise this.

Free compost bins
Garry Doyland has very kindly donated 3 compost bins for free. One has already been taken from the trading shed yard and the other two are leaning against the bike rack. They're free to anyone who wants them and there may well be more on the way. First come first served.

Water supply off for the winter
Advance notice that Richard will be turning off the water supply on 24th October in advance of the frosts.

AGM update
Many of you will have heard that the Victoria Stakes suffered major damage with a fire last week. Fortunately no one was hurt but it does leave us (probably) without a venue for our AGM. We can't confirm at the moment but it is difficult to find somewhere local, large enough and at no cost at that time of year. We'll try to keep the date but please bear with us while we look.

Any questions please email the site committee at

The Site Committee

16:13, 18 Oct 2016 by Website Admin