Shepherds Hill Allotment Association AGM November 30th
All tenants are invited to the Shepherds Hill Allotment Association AGM at 7.30pm on Wednesday 30th November at Highgate tennis club, Shepherds Cot. Huge thanks to Highgate for offering a venue - after the fire at the Victoria Stakes we were very pushed to find one. The bar will be open and Thai food is available at very reasonable prices. Please arrive by 7.15pm for a prompt 7.30 start.
In response to changes at Haringey about the way allotment sites are managed, and with increasing responsibility being given to site committees, we are proposing a constitutional amendment to elect general committee members rather than individual officers. The committee will then divide up the tasks between them and split the workload. For example, different people may take on the tasks of allocating probationers plots, managing the waiting list, dealing with the finances or overseeing repairs. You can see the committee roles and responsibilities here. It's important to note this is a draft document and has been a work in progress between Haringey and the Haringey Allotment Forum over the last year, but the committee believes that the responsibilities listed are unlikely to reduce and more likely to increase. The amendment is proposed for this year only and, if successful, may be fully adopted in the future. The Forum has been clear that sites do not want the responsibility of collecting rents or issuing eviction notices, and Haringey has agreed to continue with both.
So it's a time of change but we think a very positive one. If you'd like to stand please complete a nomination form. You'll need two plotholders to propose and second you, and a short paragraph of around 100-150 words about yourself in the event there is an election. As soon as we receive your nomination we'll put it up on the website. All nominations should be submitted by 7pm on 23rd November to the committee secretary at
All the AGM papers, including the nomination form, constitutional amendment, minutes of the last meeting and the Roles and Responsibilities of site associations draft document, plus directions to the tennis club are on our website here. Notices will also go up on the site noticeboards.
Free Greenhouse
New tenant Stephanie has a greenhouse to give away. It's 6x4 with a good condition aluminium frame but some panes are missing. You'll need to dismantle and reassemble it yourself. Please email Stephanie if you're interested.
Plant and seed swap feedback
The inaugural plant, seed and produce swap was a great success! There were 8 wheelbarrow loads of plants, 150+ packets of seeds, and jams, chutneys and even home brew. Some people brought a lot, some brought a little. Everyone laid out what they had and took what they wanted. No money changed hands and everyone came away happy! Many thanks to Cath and Annie for providing tea and biscuits and setting up. Expect another session in the spring.
Help offered
Two local residents have contacted the committee independently to ask if any plotholder would like regular help. Neither wants to take on a plot but they would like to offer their services for free to someone who could do with a hand. If you could do with some help, or you know of a neighbour who needs a hand, please contact the committee on and we'll put you in touch.
Memorial for Ena Duffley
Friends of long standing tenant Ena Duffley, who passed away this summer, have organised a memorial shrubbery to be planted in her name at Waterlow Park. They have raised £190 of the £240 needed and ask that people who knew Ena could contribute small amounts - between £1 and £5. Gary Sycamore is collecting on behalf of Shepherds Hill and will be helping with the planting when the money is raised. If you knew Ena and would like to contribute please contact Gary.
Any questions or comments please email the site committee at
Hope to see you at the AGM.
The Site Committee
10:11, 10 Nov 2016
by Website Admin