There's been more dumping near the Trading Shed. Please don't do it, it's anti-social in the extreme.
If you see someone dumping and you don't want to confront them, please report it. If you see a pile of rubbish, then please don't add to it. We all have responsibility for our own rubbish. Compost what you can, burn perennial weeds (see below) and take other non-compostable stuff home with you. Don't leave anything for anyone else to clear up.
Joint tenancies
We've been aware for some time that there are a number of spouses/ partners/friends who have never had their names on the tenancy agreement for a plot and therefore have no real rights and yet have contributed to the running of events and all that makes our site pleasurable.
The council has been reluctant to add names to tenancies, but following lobbying by us at the allotment forum they have now agreed to an amnesty to create joint tenancies. This has to be done quite speedily and it has to be supported by the site committee. So if you would like to have a name added to your tenancy please email committee member Annie Griffiths direct. You'll need your name and plot number, and the name, address, phone number and email (if possible) of the person you would like added to your tenancy with a short paragraph saying how long that person has been helping on your plot. Can you please do this before the end of February 2017. Do tell anyone on the site who you think may be interested.
NB Co-workers ( who help others on their plots but have no legal rights )are a different category from joint tenants ( who do) and the committee will be discussing the registering of co-workers at the next meeting.
We've had a complaint from a local resident about a fire which he felt merited calling the fire brigade as he suspected it was both dangerous and toxic. It's important that our site abides by council rules or we may have a total ban on bonfires imposed on us.
So here's a review of the rules:
* Bonfires may only be lit where they cause no nuisance to any neighbour - tenant or otherwise.
* If you are asked to extinguish a fire you must do so immediately
* Only dry natural materials may be burnt, e.g. dry diseased plants, perennial weeds, stalks and prunings
* Absolutely no burning of manufactured materials such as plastics and rubber.
* A quick hot fire will produce minimum smoke.
* Do not light a bonfire within one hour of sunset or leave alight later than one hour after sunset as climatic conditions at these times may increase the smoke problem.
* Never leave a bonfire unattended.
* Make sure the fire is completely extinguished before leaving the site.
Potato Sunday and refreshments
Potato Day is Sunday 12th February. Pre-paid seed potato orders will be ready for collection and there will be a small range of seed potatoes for sale including Desiree, Charlotte, Lady Christl, Anya, Pink Fir Apple, Red Duke of York and Abbot. Quantities on some varieties are limited. Onion sets and shallots and the new seed order will have arrived and all other stock lines replenished.
Come along to pick up your orders, buy potatoes or have a coffee and meet people - refreshments provided.
Please note trading shed opening times:
5th February 11am -12 noon
From 12th February the shed will be open every Sunday from 11am -1pm
Rhubarb offer
Maria has ' a number of good size rhubarb corms to give away and this is a good time of year to plant.' A generous offer indeed.
Dates for your diary
Plant sale: 28th May. Please plant extra seeds for the sale - Annie is trying to break the magic £1,000 mark!
RHS SHOWS - reduced prices
Chadahs is affiliated to the RHS and tenants can purchase RHS show tickets at reduced prices. All the RHS Shows for 2017 are advertised on our website here. You need to get cracking as you must purchase your tickets before March. You need to quote the special code AFF2017 and our Shepherds Hill Allotments Association number 26162307.
1. Practical Tree Care Workshops, Lordship Rec, Higham Rd, N17 6NU
Saturday 18th Feb and Wednesday 1st March 10am-4pm; meet in Hub Café
Practical tree care; planting, protecting, mulching young and newly planted native species trees in Lordship Rec to enhance bio-diversity, and much more! Certificates will be awarded to attendees.
Tutor: Russell Miller, Arboriculturalist, environmental expert and lead member of Hackney Tree Musketeers.
2. Introduction to fruit growing/food forest creation
Saturday 25th February 10am–4pm; meet in The Hub Café.
Types and varieties of trees, soils, practical work in Lordship Rec, Orchard planting, pruning, mulching, protecting newly planted trees – and much more! Certificates will be awarded to attendees.
Tutor: Marina O'Connell, an organic fruit farmer and permaculture teacher, from The Apricot Centre, Manningtree in Essex. Maximum of 20 places, booking on a first come first served basis.
For both workshops:
Children welcome with accompanying parents. No experience needed. FREE hot drinks! Bring lunch to share, or buy from The Hub cafe.
Cost: between £1 and £10 for each day workshop, pay what you can afford.
Book a place via Brown Paper Tickets or call in to The Hub office in Lordship Recreation Ground, Monday to Thursday, 9am-3pm.
All three workshops have been made possible by the kind funding from Haringey Council and the Friends of Lordship Recreation Ground.
Site Committee update
Some progress is being made with the council concerning repairs to the Montenotte gate and track . The track has been made a council priority for this budget year, so Haringey will pay for it. They have visited the site with their contractor to get quotes. We've also asked them to look at the Wood Vale track and they think they've come up with a plan to do the whole track quite cheaply, but we'll have to find the cash for that one and a working party to help. More info when we have it.
Deliveries: If you are organising any major deliveries please email info@sheperdshillallotments.co.uk to avoid clashes and so that we know who is coming on site.
The draft minutes of meeting 6/1/17 can be found on our website here. Next meeting 27th April. If you have any items for the agenda please email Kathy at info@shepherdshillallotments.co.uk
In the meantime, in case of emergency at the site ( fire, theft, trapped dogs etc),
A final nag to please make sure your plot is clearly numbered as the council has said unnumbered plots will result in an NCN at inspections this year.
Sorry this is so long, but hopefully the ground will soon unfreeze, the weather will clear up and we can start all start digging and planting.
The Site Committee