Most of the new committee spent a wet Saturday morning looking round the whole of the site. It was very heartening. Despite gloomy time of year, we could see that most people are working hard to keep their allotment looking good and are getting ready for the new season.
Unfortunately, there is always a small number of less thoughtful people who have dumped plant material at the side of paths and around the perimeter of the site. If you have material that you cannot use on your plot, then it is your responsibility to remove it from the site. Dumping of plant, and other, material anywhere on the site is a contravention of the tenancy agreement and can incur an NCN ( non-compliance notice)
In some cases, we saw dumped material with lots of topsoil attached which is a waste of a valuable resource from the plot – top soil is very productive. Search the web or ask another plot holder about how to deal with heavy grass and weeds. And if you see someone dumping just remind them that it is not on. The beauty and tidiness of the Site is the responsibility of every one of us.