The Council carry out inspections of the site usually twice a year and the first this year will be in April 2018. They are making sure that everyone is using their allotment productively and failure to do so could result in a non-compliance notice. There are many things that can result in a non-compliance notice being issued, e.g. not having 75% of your plot under cultivation, unsightly rubbish, not maintaining the paths around your allotment, over hanging trees, no plot number visible. It would be great if we could have an inspection where we ended up with no NCN’s but that means that everyone needs to work hard over the next two months.

If you are at all worried your plot will not pass muster or if you have a specific reason why your plot can’t be worked at the moment – a broken ankle, a new baby etc. please email and one of the committee will respond. We can alert the Council of the circumstances.

Finally, don’t get caught on failure to display a plot number – the trading shed has some paint etc. so you can pop in and solve the problem on a Sunday.

10:47, 08 Feb 2018 by Website Admin