1) Potato Orders
Orders for seed potatoes are now being taken, in the Trading Shed, for delivery in February 2019.
For details please go to the Trading Shed page on the site website; 
https://www.shepherdshillallotments.co.uk/trading-shed/   or see the trading shed notice board.

2) Calling Volunteers. We'd love you to come along to do a bit more clearing on Plot 15 on Sunday 26th August for whatever amount of time you can offer between 10am and 1pm. Please bring any chopping and sawing tools and your gloves. Refreshments will be served between 11 and 1.

3)Save the date. 22nd September 2018 from 1pm

Shepherds Hill Allotments Harvest Fair
Bring- and-share-lunch for plot holders, family and friends
Produce stalls including cakes and preserves
Seed swap
– this will also be an opportunity for us to share some more ideas/plans for the plot 15 building.
We'll send out more details nearer the time

-Saturday 1st September- Muswell Hill and District Horticultural Society Autumn Flower Show and Plant Sale
North Bank, Pages Lane N10. Doors open 3.00pm
Open to all exhibitors.
-Saturday 8th September- Highgate Horticultural Society Autumn Show.
The United Reformed Church, Pond Square, Highgate
Doors open 2pm
-Saturday 15th September - Tottenham Flower and Produce Show, 
Lordship Hub, Lordship Rec
Off Higham Road, Tottenham
London, N17 6NU
(Vehicle entrance off Adams Road, N17 6HE)

 Have you lost an 18v Bosch battery for an appliance? It was found by the Wood Vale gate. Call at the Trading Shed to retrieve it.

6)And finally.....Is your plot becoming too much to keep up? If you are finding your plot too hard to work on or too hard to get to- you may have moved further away- you might consider relinquishing it before it gets into too bad a state. We have a huge waiting list of eager gardeners.

If you are in this position do email us at info@shepherdshillallotments.co.uk

Best wishes
The Site Committee: Annie, Ian, Julie, Trevor, Juliet, Gary, Julia, Esther and Lynn

16:24, 12 Aug 2018 by Website Admin