Dear Plot Holders
1) The Ugly Some thoughtless people have dumped their rubbish on plot 15. If anyone can identify the culprit(s) from the 'evidence' (see above), please do contact
In the meantime a more community minded person will have to make some journeys to the Haringey recycling centre. Dumping is NOT ON. We ant to make that clear.
2) The Bad
Unfortunately 'intruders partying on plots' has continued, much to the distress of a number of tenants. More broken greenhouse panes and this time some vomit too.
IN THE MEANTIME it is becoming clear that we will only get a response from the police if all those whose plots have been invaded and/or damaged by the intruders report the incidences to the police via
NB probably as a result of intruders, 'a new hammer' has been found on plot 54a. Is it yours?
3) The Good
Offer of a shed.
One of our tenants is offering to anyone who'd like it, a garden shed. If interested please contact Andy Tims on 07715 698507 or 02083480512 or email him
4) December deadline
A reminder that if you dont want to be invoiced for the whole of 2019 because you have decided to give up your allotment you must have informed the Council by 1st Dec. 2018
We'll send you a link to the AGM papers this week. In the meantime anyone who would like to stand for the committee must pick up a nomination form from the shed on Sunday or download one from the website. Once completed it must be returned to the committee via by 7pm on 12th November, or handed in to the shed on the preceding Sunday.
Julie, Annie, Trevor, Julia, Lynn, Juliet, Gary, Esther and Ian
The Site Committee November 2018