March News
Site Inspections
We now have a new Allotment Officer who will carry out an inspection of the Shepherds Hill site in April. We need to be prepared as it could be any time during the month. In preparation, be sure your plot is clearly numbered, tidy and prepared for cultivation. Also when tidying don’t forget the bonfire ban will come into force on April 1st again!
Site working parties
These will take place regularly on the second Sunday in the month from 10.00 – 1.00. All welcome and help much appreciated even if you can only spare a bit of time. Refreshments provided. The first one, on 10th March, will be working on repairs to the main path. Meet at trading shed.
Unwanted items
Please don’t leave your unwanted items in front of the trading shed. If you have something you want to get rid of that you think other plot holders might be interested in, send an email to and we will advertise it.
There continue to be a number of intrusions on to the site, with break-ins to sheds, and evidence of late night partying on some plots. To monitor and improve security we’ve installed some motion triggered cameras.
Growing for the plant sale
A reminder: our annual plant sale will take place on Sunday 12th May at 2.00pm in front of the trading shed. Please start thinking now about what extra things you can grow to donate to the stalls. Annuals, ornamentals, veg, herbs... all contributions gratefully received.
Don't forget to look at the website from time to time. We put up future dates and notices there.
Julie, Annie, Trevor, Julia, Juliet, Gary, Jill, Ian, Lynn (co-opted - Trading Shed Manager) and Nick (co-opted - Treasurer).
The Site Committee, March 2019
PS the image in this email is taken from Google Earth. You can zoom in for an arial view of your plot and take a virtual tour of the entire site!