Help needed
Our next site maintenance working party is this Sunday, 14th April at 11.00am. We will be clearing sections of the perimeter behind plots 87A and 90 in preparation for new fencing, which is urgently needed to improve security of the site. Please come along, with clippers, gloves, etc. Meet at the Trading Shed. All help welcomed.
Get involved with developing our new community plot 15
Come along on Sunday 28th April 11.00am to an ideas gathering session for the development of Plot 15. Contribute your ideas on the landscaping of the plot, and help with a bit of light weeding and making the most of the plants that are now growing there.
Annual Plant Sale
Our ever popular annual plant sale will take place on Sunday 12th May at 2pm. Put the date in your diary now! More details about the day and how you can help to follow soon.
Summer outing
Our summer outing to Great Dixter has proved very popular and all tickets are now SOLD OUT. You can add your name to the waiting list in the Trading Shed.
A message from Highgate Horticultural Society
Highgate Horticultural Society is celebrating its 160th Anniversary this year. The dates of our three shows for 2019 are Spring 13th April, Summer 13th July and Autumn 7th September, all held in the lovely setting of the URC Pond Square Chapel. We are keen to encourage more members to exhibit at our shows so if you are interested we would like to invite Shepherd Hill Allotment holders to have a taste of exhibiting (and maybe catching the bug!) without having to join the Society for their first show.
Please come and join us this Saturday 13 April 2.00 - 5.00 and have a look and enjoy the displays. We’ll have tea and delicious cakes, a raffle, produce stall and plants for sale and an auction.
More information on the categories for our shows and how to enter are on our website
or you can email or call our Secretary or 020 7263 6831. Even if you don’t exhibit, you could join the HHS – information is on the website and there are leaflets in the Trading Shed.
Julie, Annie, Trevor, Julia, Juliet, Gary, Jill, Ian, Lynn (co-opted - Trading Shed Manager) and Nick (co-opted - Treasurer).
The Site Committee, April 2019
15:07, 09 Apr 2019
by Website Admin