Trading Shed News
We are delighted to announce that we have a new trading manager (Liz Denver) and a new shed coordinator, renamed shed manager (Annie Griffiths). Many thanks to both of them for taking on these roles.
You may have noticed that a crack has appeared in the trading shed floor. We’ve had a structural engineer take a look and he has reassured us that it's nothing to worry about too much and that the building is structurally safe. But do be aware when using the shed to take care of the uneven floor surface.
Dates for your diary
Next working party: Sunday 13th October
Meet in trading shed yard at 11.00am. We will be working on the boundary fence to improve security.
AGM: Tuesday 19th November at 7.30pm
At the Victoria Stakes. All welcome.
Winter Warmer Fair, Sunday 24th November 11.00am – 2.00pm
In the trading shed yard. Wrap up warm and come along to buy some fantastic Xmas presents – delicious preserves, stocking fillers, etc. There will be soup and bread, cakes, a warming fire pit, a seed swap, raffle and more. Bring friends and neighbours too! If you have anything you could donate for the raffle please bring to the trading shed on a Sunday morning.
Advance notice of next year’s Potato Day: 9th Feb 2020.
And finally…
We have been informed of some thefts on the plot. Do be alert and inform us of any thefts or anything amiss on
Julie, Annie, Trevor, Julia, Juliet, Gary, Jill, Ian, and Nick (co-opted - Treasurer).
The Site Committee, September 2019
18:19, 30 Sep 2019
by Website Admin