Plot 15 Plan

Or for those of you unfamiliar with the idea of the social shed – What’s happening on Plot 15?

From the initial idea of the social shed and the fundraising with The Lottery, we have continued to develop the idea for the social shed. The plan shown here is the latest iteration of the layout of the social shed site. We have consulted the immediate plot holders and taken on board their feedback. We would normally have put up the drawings and talked to the wider allotment community at our plant sale or other gatherings but as none of this has been possible during lockdown we wanted to share the plans with you now and get your feedback - Do you think the proposal will be attractive for people to use, do you have ideas about the planting, would you volunteer to help to maintain the area? If you see Ian or others working on the site you can talk to them, socially distanced of course, or send written comments

Those of you who have been to the trading shed over the last couple of months will have noticed that there is a concrete base now on plot 15. Luckily completed just before lockdown. Since then we have had to halt the work, but we are pleased to announce that the building work will recommence on the 29thof June.

This is great news but, project leader, Ian Potts and ,master builder, Tim McNaughton are in need of volunteers to help them with our very own “barn raising”. Ian has sent out text messages to all those tenants who expressed an interest in joining the small team of self-builders. If you haven't heard from Ian and would like to help out for a morning or an afternoon, please call him or send a text.

This is a great project and a chance to learn some new skills or share existing ones. We need all the help we can get. The Council have approved the go ahead for the works and the team will be observing all the current safety guidance.
You will also notice that the upper part of the site is beginning to take shape. This area is more a horticultural project than a building project so might suit people without building skills. Annie and Hannah have filled up some of the space with potato planting with left over seed potatoes which did not get sold before lockdown. Once those are lifted, we will need to move on to getting that bit of the project moving. If you are willing to lead the development of this area together with a team of volunteers please email
This is an evolving project and we always anticipated that it would develop organically with continuous input from plot holders. It is never too late to get involved.
Julie, Annie, Trevor, Juliet, Gary, Jill, Ian, and Nick (co-opted - Treasurer). 
The Site Committee, June, 2020
17:07, 26 Jun 2020 by Website Admin