Update on the Barn
The Barn is now watertight and Ian and his trusty team of self-builders have begun work on finishing and fitting out the interior.
We held a very jolly coffee morning last month – the first of many events to be held in our new social space.  Thank you to all who attended and contributed, and who gave such positive feedback about the Barn, including messages such as this one: Huge congratulations - it is a symbol of hope and community in fractured and difficult times - and so heartwarming for that. Thank you for all the work put into it.  There were lots of ideas for future events, including plant swaps, monthly horticultural discussions and Q&A, coffee mornings and lunches, and fruit and veg and flower shows.  If you have other ideas, please let us know by writing in to info@shepherdshillallotments.co.uk   
We have had a fantastic response to our JustGiving appeal to raise the additional funds needed to complete the Barn, and have raised over 80% of our target of £3,500.00.  We will be closing the JustGiving page in a couple of weeks, but it’s not too late if you would like to make a donation and help us get over the finishing line, just click on the link here.   Or, if easier, you can leave a cheque in the trading shed on a Sunday morning.  Thank you again for all your generous donations.
Bruno writes: “I will do a monster manure run in the week commencing September 28 if there is enough demand to warrant it. £2.50 a barrow* of well-rotted horse, delivered to the trading shed yard, Wood Vale gate and/or the ‘parking bay’ at the end of the Queens Wood track.
*A barrow is 15 shovelfuls (not spadefuls), enough to fill a full-sized builders’ barrow. It will cover between two and three square metres, depending on how liberal you are. This is about twice the quantity of a bag of manure that you might buy from a garden centre for £4.50 or more.
Also, if you want some help barrowing the stuff to your plot, there may be a case for hiring a fit, strong youth or two. But the price will rise to £4.50/barrow. Let me know if you are interested in this and I will sort it out if there is sufficient demand.
Please let me know if you want any manure and if so, roughly how many barrows. 
Queen Bees
Esther Coles, one of our resident bee-keepers, and her friend Jane Horrocks, have created a new podcast, bringing news from the hives… and more!  Listen to it here: https://twitter.com/HatTrickProd/status/1299248539047022593?s=08
Save the date: Winter Warmer 2020
Following last year’s successful Winter Warmer sale, we are planning another one, to be held on Sunday 29thNovember 12 – 2.00pm.  There will be soup, cakes and hot beverages, including mulled wine, and lots of preserves and other small gifts to stock up on before Xmas.  More information to follow.
Noticeboard and reminders

  • A set of keys were found last Saturday (29thAug) on the gate of the Montenotte Road entrance.  If you think they’re yours please email info@shepherdshillallotments.co.uk
  • Unfortunately we have had more reports of produce theft, the latest being a plum tree stripped bare.  Please be vigilant and keep us informed of any thefts or if you spot strangers on neighbours’ plots or any suspicious activity.
  • Noel Chong, plot 87 has glass, in perfect condition, for a 6 X 4 greenhouse that he is giving away. If you are interested contact Noel 
  • Finally, now’s a good time for those autumn jobs – making sure your plot is clearly numbered, and that your paths are clear of brambles.
Julie, Annie, Trevor, Juliet, Gary, Jill, Ian, and Nick (co-opted - Treasurer).
17:30, 01 Sep 2020 by Website Admin