Site Inspections
With the possibility of site inspections resuming, a few reminders: plots must be clearly numbered, and the paths around your plot kept clear. Agree with your neighbours which joining paths you each take responsibility for. When sites are inspected the expectation is that at least 75% of your total plot area is used for the cultivation of vegetables, fruit and flowers. See the notes for new allotment tenants on the SHA website for further details.
Please inform the committee (on and the Council of any changes of either house or email addresses.
Those with large or perhaps unmanageable plots please consider halving them to enable the site to be used as productively as possible. Remember there are well over 100 people on our waiting list, who would love a chance to take on a half plot.
Trading Shed
All being well, as of 18th April we will return to a one hour opening of the trading shed every Sunday from 11-12.
The trading shed has lots of new seeds in stock – for a full list, see here.
Plant Sale(s)?
Given the restrictions on numbers of people allowed to gather outside before 21st June, we hope (again, all being well) to organise plant sales from individual plots on various dates in May and June. More on this in April.
Security update
Members of the committee have been busy putting up extra fencing along vulnerable parts of the perimeter. We are also trying to make use of brambles - if you have brambles to clear please don’t burn them or cut them up, long lengths can be used to bolster the security fences. Email Garry giving your plot number and location of where you are storing the brambles and we will try and arrange collection. Alternatively, take the brambles to the fence yourself and lace them through the fence poles. We don’t want other plant material though.
You will see that there are now CCTV notices up around the site. As ever, please be vigilant and report any evidence of intruders to the Committee.
A reminder that bonfires are banned between April 1st and Sept 30th. Please be considerate to your neighbours when having a bonfire, and make sure that only dry, natural materials are burnt e.g. diseased plants, perennial weeds, stalks and prunings. Do not burn anything containing plastic or rubber or wood that has been treated. And remember a bonfire should never be left unattended; make sure that when leaving the plot the fire is completely extinguished.
Buddy Scheme
A reminder that this is now up and running and we have begun to pair up mentors and mentees. Full details of the scheme are on the website here. If you would like to participate, either as a buddy or as the recipient of advice, please email
Spot your plot
Take a look at some great drone shots Ian took during the snowy days last month. On the website here.
And finally, the painting above is by one of our talented plot holders, Sarah Elliot. She is currently participating in #the100dayproject and you can see more of her beautiful work on Instagram: sarahelliot74MESSAGE KEY MISSING: 'the100dayproject'afloweraday
Jill, Juliet, Julie, Ian, Garry, Stephen, Amy, Trevor, Jo, Annie
The allotment committee, March 2021