Potato weekend 13/14 February
Message from Annie: To those plot holders who have ordered potatoes, onions or shallots from the trading shed, we are expecting delivery on Friday 12th. We will bag up the orders for you to pick up and pay from the Trading Shed Yard on 13th and 14th. To do this safely we have given you a slot according to your plot number. If you can’t manage this slot I will arrange an alternative pick up time. But it would be much better if you can meet your time slot or ask another plot member to collect and pay in your place.
PLEASE follow all the usual rules: 1) keep your distance if there's a queue; 2) wear a mask and sanitise hands; 3) pay by cheque ( Shepherds Hill Allotments Assoc) or the exact amount of cash.
Saturday afternoon. 12midday -1pm plots 1-21
1pm - 2pm plots 22- 46
2pm - 3pm plots 47- 63
Sunday morning 10am - 11am plots 64- 79
11am - 12 plots 80 - 99
12- 1 pm plots 100-136
If you want to purchase other trading shed stock we will accommodate you
if not too busy. Otherwise you can always arrange another time for that stock.
There may be a few loose potatoes and onions left over though only of a few varieties. We've had a huge number of orders from you enthusiastic growers.
THOSE WHO HAVE NOT PRE-ORDERED PLEASE DON'T TURN UP AT THE SHED. But email Annie on griffiths.annie@gmail.com to arrange another date and time to purchase other stock.
Security update
Unfortunately we have had further reports of shed break-ins. Please continue to report any incidents to us at info@shepherdshillallotments.co.uk so we have as full a picture as possible, and if appropriate can report to the police. As previously mentioned, we are experimenting with cameras on site and will shortly be putting up signs indicating cameras are in use. We are also investigating improvements to the existing fencing in certain areas; Haringey has indicated that they may be able to contribute to the costs of this. As part of a longer term strategy, the Council has also indicated it might be able to help with planting shrubs such as pyracantha along the site perimeter.
New Buddy Scheme
We are looking to implement a buddy scheme whereby those new (or newish) to growing on an allotment are paired with an old hand who can advise, guide and help them as they get acclimatised and welcomed into the allotment site. Full details of the scheme are posted on the website here. If you would like to participate, either as a buddy or as the recipient of advice, please email info@shepherdshillallotments.co.uk
Wood Vale track
We are in touch with Haringey Council, CREOS and the owners of 85 Wood Vale about the poor state of the access track from Wood Vale, caused by the machinery being used for the garden works at the property, to ensure that the damage is made good.
Rent invoices
These are usually sent out in January – we’ve heard that some tenants have received theirs, some by email and some by post. We’ve informed the Council that others of you are still awaiting your invoice.
We are looking for a volunteer to take on the task of maintaining the trading shed wheelbarrows. Please get in touch at info@ if you could spare a bit of time to take this on.
Spare fire retardant paint on offer
One of our tenants has purchased 2.5 litres of Thermoguard undercoat ( cost £117) and 2.5 litres of topcoat, green in colour ( cost £70). He has used half of each of the tins and is wondering if anyone would like to buy the remainder from him. He is looking to get close to half the price for each of them and then make a donation to the Barn. If anyone is interested please reply to info@shepherdshillallotments.co.uk and we will put you in touch.
Dreaming of summer…
On these cold, grey February days take a look at Ian’s latest film of the allotments, Summer Dawn, and be reminded of all the delicious harvests and sunny days to come.
Jill, Juliet, Julie, Ian, Garry, Stephen, Amy, Trevor, Jo, Annie
The allotment committee, February 2021