Update on the Barn and Plot 15
Ian and Annie and their team of helpers continue to make good progress on our new communal space, both indoors and outdoors. The Barn has been insulated and has a wonderful wood burning stove. The next steps are to install a basic kitchen and paint the floor. Outside there is paving the veranda area, completing the steps up to the newly planted upper seating area, and more wild flower planting to the right of the path. Many thanks to all helpers and those who donated plants.
The exciting news is that all being well with Covid restrictions lifted, we have set a date for a GRAND OPENING TEA PARTY on Sunday 27th June 3.00 – 5.30pm. This will be an opportunity to celebrate together after the restrictions of the last year and to formally mark the opening of the Barn. More details to follow next month.
Trading Shed
The trading shed is now open weekly on a Sunday for one hour from 11-12 noon. We are trialling the use of a card reader, in addition to accepting cash and cheques, so please use this method if convenient.
Maintenance and security update
Unfortunately we continue to have to deal with regular incursions on to the site, with several plot holders reporting evidence of late night partying in their sheds. Last week a tenant who was on the site in the evening called the police who reprimanded a group of teenagers and escorted them off the site. See below for photos of a recent shed gathering, including chairs that were taken from other plots. If you recognise your chairs please reclaim them from Nadia and Andy on Plot 37.
There is a possibility that some of these intruders have access to a key to the site. Please guard your key very carefully and never share it with anyone who is not a plot holder.
We continue to try and make the perimeter as non-porous as possible. We are working with tenants who’ve identified specific vulnerable points and we’ve erected new fencing and barriers, including non-climb paint. Some of you have planted the blackthorn saplings supplied by Haringey Council. Jayne Wright has invited tenants to take cuttings of pyracantha, hornbeam and blackthorn from her hedge on plot 101b for use as a barrier on the site perimeter.
Please continue to report any evidence of intruders to us at info@shepherdshillallotments.co.uk It is important we have a record of all unwanted activity. If you become aware of intruders when you’re on site, it’s a good policy to have some way of attracting the attention of others, such as a mobile phone alarm app or an old fashioned whistle. And if necessary, call the police.
Maintenance working party
We plan to re-start the regular maintenance working parties. The next one will be on Sunday 25th April at 11.00am. Meet at the Trading Shed. Refreshments will be provided. Please come along and help if you can, there are lots of jobs needing doing!
Plant sales
Like last year, and because in May there will still be restrictions on numbers that can gather outdoors, we are planning another series of mini individual plant sales on:
- Sunday 9th May 11am - 1pm
- Wednesday 12th May 1pm - 3pm
- Saturday 15th May 1pm - 3pm
- Sunday 23rd May 11am - 1pm
Sellers will display their produce near the edge of their plot and all must observe social distancing when making purchases. Usually plant sale funds go towards site maintenance and to the Harington Scheme (which has lost a lot of income this year because their shop has been closed). Some sellers may wish to support other charities of choice. The main aim of this year’s plant sales is to maximise growing potential on the site rather than necessarily raising money. Some sellers may be giving away plants or might wish to negotiate a swap with a buyer.
We are now calling all sellers who have/will have surplus plants to sell e.g. bedding plants, veg, herbs, ornamentals, cut flowers, or preserves. Please contact Annie with the following information: name, plot number, and dates you would like to set up shop on your plot. You can choose as many or as few of the above dates as you like. Against each date please include an approximate list of what you might have for sale. No need to put prices. We will put the information out on a site email in early May. Please reply by Saturday 1st May. You may not yet have an accurate list especially for the later dates but we can always send out an update later in May. If these sales work well we may continue them through June.
Give and Take
Several of you have contacted us recently to say you have items on your plot that you would like to give away or sell, or are looking for a particular item. There are two options for ‘give and take’ advertising:
- Put a notice on the noticeboard by the Trading Shed, with details of the item(s) you have or want and how best to be contacted.
- Post a message in the ‘Give and Take’ Forum on the website (you can also add a photo of your item(s) if you wish). To do this you will need to log in to the website (click on login in the top L corner and follow the instructions if you are not already registered or have forgotten your password). Logging in means the forum is a private space that can only be viewed and used by SHA tenants.
- Next maintenance working party: Sunday 25th April 11.00am
- Plant sales:
- Sunday 9th May 11am - 1pm
- Wednesday 12th May 1pm - 3pm
- Saturday 15th May 1pm - 3pm
- Sunday 23rd May 11am - 1pm
- Grand opening of the Barn: Sunday 27th June 3.00 – 5.30pm
Happy Spring planting!
Jill, Juliet, Julie, Ian, Garry, Stephen, Amy, Trevor, Jo, Annie
The allotment committee, April 2021