Grand opening of the Barn
We are excited to announce the grand opening of the Barn on Sunday 1st August 3.00 – 5.30pm. Come along for free tea and cakes to celebrate this wonderful new community space, and to hear about some upcoming events we have planned and to tell us your suggestions for how you would like to see the Barn used going forward.
There will be a produce stall selling jams, cakes, etc.
All welcome, including plot holders’ family and friends.
WANTED: contributions of cakes, preserves, etc. Please drop an email to to tell us what you’re able to contribute.
Reduced price visits to RHS gardens
As part of the SHAA membership of the RHS we have this year purchased two reduced price entry passes for the RHS Gardens at Harlow Carr, Hyde Hall and Rosemoor and Wisley. Each card allows one member of SHAA and one guest to have a 30% reduction on the normal adult entry rate.
Any SHAA allotment holder can borrow the card by booking in advance through A £20, returnable on safe return of the card, deposit is charged when you collect the card.
Hornsey Food Bank
Hornsey Food Bank welcome any donations of produce. They will collect from us on a Wednesday morning. If you have any excess produce or donations please leave in the box by the Barn on Tuesdays. If you’re unable to be on site on a Tuesday contact Amy who will try and coordinate collection.
NB Gary Sycamore continues to collect veg, fruit and flowers to sell at the Farmers’ Market on Sundays in aid of the Harington Scheme. Produce can be taken to his plot (108B) on Fridays or Saturdays.
At this time of year paths on the site can very easily become overgrown. Please make sure that the paths around your plot are kept clear for everyone’s ease of access.
There have been reports of both potato and tomato blight on the site. Keep a careful eye on your crops and clear vegetation as appropriate. Do not compost affected plants, keep separate for burning later in the year. More advice here.
Jill, Juliet, Julie, Ian, Garry, Stephen, Amy, Trevor, Jo, Annie
The allotment committee, July 2021
17:51, 26 Jul 2021
by Website Admin