The committee busy at work on a chilly August evening
Produce donations for Hornsey Food Bank


Our next Barn event will be this Sunday 22nd August: gardening tips discussion followed by lunch. From 12 – 1pm Juliet will facilitate a discussion and exchange of ideas on tips for what to do next month on your plot.  Come along with questions, suggestions, or just to listen.  Lunch will be served from 1 – 2pm.  Whether or not you’ve come to the discussion, pop in to the Barn for a bowl of delicious homemade soup and bread (£3.00) and a slice of cake (£2).  
Future dates for your diaries:

  • Wednesday 8th September 10.30 – 12.00: Café at the Barn.  Come for coffee and cake and a chat.  We held the first of these last week with very positive feedback, so do drop by if you can.  Café at the Barn will be held regularly on the second Wednesday of the month.
  • Sunday 19th September 12 – 1 pm: gardening tips discussion, with lunch served 1 - 2pm
  • Wednesday 13th October 10.30 – 12.00: Café at the Barn
  • Sunday 24th October 12 – 1pm: Yoga for gardeners class led by Tessa Bull (details in next newsletter) followed by gardening tips discussion and lunch served 1 – 2pm.

Annie writes: An enthusiastic 27 of you have already signed up at the Barn opening to do your bit looking after the communal plot. We've filled all the slots for October, November, December, February, and April. But we still need 21 more people to sign up for January (1); March (2); May (5); June (4); July (6); August (2); September (2). If you think you can help please respond to info@ asap.
For those who weren't at the opening, we are asking people to sign up to join a small team who will look after the garden on plot 15 during just one month in the year. Because you will be one of a group your commitment won’t mean you're tied. You just liaise with your group to say when you can do your pennyworth. Depending on the month there'll be weeding, pruning, clearing, tidying and maybe watering. Nothing onerous and all of it contributing to the site community.  Having just done an August slot I have to say it’s also really enjoyable. Also Fiona Godfrey and I will be on hand to help/support/guide as necessary.
After their success last year, the cider makers are looking for apples to start another round of cider making.  There are some containers outside the green (cider) shed at the top of plot 15 where you can leave any you’re able to donate.
On Saturday 4th September 2 – 5pm at The United Reformed Church, South Grove, Highgate Village. All welcome.
Maintaining your Plot
Following a survey of plots, the Council are currently dealing with a number of neglected plots.  They will also be looking at plots that are not 75% cultivated. This means not just cutting the grass, but growing produce.  
Do let us know if for any reason you are struggling or unable to work your plot.  Also, particularly if you have a plot larger than 5 poles, please have a think about the amount of work you can sensibly put in, and remember the option of halving larger plots. We have over 100 people on our waiting list.  And don’t forget that if you are considering reducing or giving up your plot, you need to give notice before December 1st to avoid being charged rent for 2022.
No Scrumping on site
We have had several complaints of tenants finding their produce has been picked.  A reminder that you MUST NOT pick anything from anyone’s plot unless you have their permission.  This includes blackberries and other produce that is overhanging onto paths.
Food Bank
Thank you to those who have left produce for the Hornsey Food Bank.  A reminder that there is a regular collection on a Tuesday afternoon, please continue to leave produce in the crates outside the Barn.
Jill, Juliet, Julie, Ian, Garry, Stephen, Amy, Trevor, Jo, Annie 
The allotment committee, August 2021

13:22, 21 Aug 2021 by Website Admin