2020 Annual General Meeting
Covid restrictions prevent us from being able to hold our AGM in person, but instead we will be holding it on Zoom on Tuesday 24thNovember at 7pm. The agenda and papers will be available to view or download from the SHA website. As required by our Constitution, we will be emailing you a separate, formal notice of this meeting.
We are delighted that Esther Coles has agreed to give a short talk following the business part of the meeting on the subject of bees. She will talk about her time beekeeping and the important roles bees play on our allotment and how we can help. She will also talk about how she managed to make a beekeeping podcast with fellow actress Jane Horrocks during lockdown. Not to be missed!
We are still looking for new members to join the committee. Being part of the committee is a great way of getting more involved in the life of the allotment community. If you would like to find out more about what being on the committee involves please contact us on info@shepherdshillallotments.co.uk
We look forward to seeing many of you on Zoom on the 24thNovember. We will circulate the Zoom link and meeting ID by email on the day of the meeting.
We have painted anti-climb paint on some vulnerable parts of the metal fence between the Site and playing field. Please be careful if you are near to the fence as this paint is non-drying and easily marks clothes and hands. If you think the boundary by your plot is vulnerable to intruders and could benefit from anti-climb paint let us know on info@shepherdshillallotments.co.uk
The impact of Covid restrictions
Unfortunately we have had to temporarily halt work on the Barn. As soon as it is safe to resume, Ian and his team will continue with finishing the interior work.
At the time of writing we are unsure whether we will be able to keep the trading shed open in November; we will update you before the next due opening date on 15th November.
We have also had to postpone the planned Winter Warmer. We are hoping to be able to sell preserves and lots more Xmas goodies if and when the trading shed re-opens, and/or we will plan a social event and sale on Potato Day in February. NOTE: Potato Day will be on Sunday 14th February (NOT the 4th as reported in the last newsletter).
Life on the Allotment
We have added a new page to the SHA website for occasional contributions from tenants. This month we are featuring a wonderful ‘allotment diary’ from Stephen Cushnir, a new tenant in 2020, with a record of his month by month progress. Do take a look at it here. If you have some good photos, stories or tips you would like to share on this page please contact us on info@shepherdshillallotments.co.uk
Lastly, there are some spare logs and roundels on plot 83B. Please help yourself if you would like some.
Julie, Annie, Trevor, Juliet, Gary, Jill, Ian, and Nick (co-opted - Treasurer).
The Site Committee, November, 2020
18:26, 21 Nov 2021
by Website Admin