Dates for your diaries
- Wednesday 14th December: Café at the Barn 10.30 – 12.00
- Wednesday 11th January: Café at the Barn 10.30 – 12.00
- Sunday 22nd January: Quiz and Barn lunch (details to follow)
- Wednesday 8th February: Café at the Barn 10.30 – 12.00
- Sunday 12th February: Potato Day
- Sunday 5th March: Maintenance working party (first one of 2023)
AGM and Winter Warmer
Many thanks to all those who attended the AGM and Winter Warmer last month and made them both such a success. It was great to be able to hold our AGM in our own space on site, and we raised an impressive £750 at the Winter Warmer, which will help towards much needed maintenance work. Draft minutes of the AGM are posted on the website. Also, by special request, at the end of this newsletter is the recipe for Annie’s delicious dhal soup served at the Winter Warmer!
New SHA Facebook Group
We are very pleased to share the launch of a new Shepherds Hill Allotment site private Facebook group which has been set up by Deborah, one of our plot holders.
The purpose of the group is to support connections between our community for sharing practical advice, resources, ideas, events and informal buying/selling/recycling or swapping of allotment produce or equipment between plot holders. Please note that the Facebook group is in addition to and does not replace the regular site newsletter or emails.
To join the group search on Facebook for ‘Shepherds Hill N8 Allotment Community’, and then you will see an option to join the group. Any problems with joining contact Deborah .
Site Inspection
Haringey has appointed a new allotment officer, Victoria Stones, and she will be making a site inspection in Spring. A reminder to make sure your plot number is clearly visible from the path – this is essential both for site inspections and for the maintenance group who are currently undertaking repairs of water taps and troughs.
Tree Pruning
A reminder that the terms of your tenancy agreement states that any fruit trees on plots should be kept at a maximum height of 3 metres. Now is a good time to prune apple and pear trees
Allotment Bridge
A few plot holders who are keen bridge players (all levels) have started an ad-hoc bridge group, playing on the occasional weekday afternoon for a couple of hours in front of the log fire in the Barn. If you are interested in coming along send an email to info@ and we can add you to the WhatsApp group.
Waiting List
As with last year, we will be opening the waiting list briefly at the beginning of 2023 to accept the same number of people as plots we let this year (13). Any enquiries to info@ receive a reply informing them of this policy and directing them to check the SHA website for further information.
With all good wishes for a productive year of growing in 2023.
SHA committee
December 2023
Dhal Shorva (soup)
Serves 6
Delicious and freezes well too
2 tblsp ghee or vegetable oil
350 gms red lentils
I tsp mustard seeds
1 tsp coriander seeds
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp cinnamon
6 garlic cloves crushed
1 tblsp fresh ginger minced
10 curry leaves
1 large onion finely chopped
1 large green chilli left whole but split and seeds removed
2 tomatoes finely diced *
1 small aubergine finely diced*
1 carrot finely diced*
8 cups veg stock
1 bunch fresh coriander
Juice of 3 lemons
Salt to taste
Yoghurt to serve
* when tomatoes and aubergines are out of season I omit these, use more carrots and add frozen peas
In a large saucepan heat the oil or ghee then add the lentils, mustard, coriander, cumin, turmeric, cinnamon, garlic, ginger, curry leaves, onion and green chilli.
Cook over a low heat for a few minutes, stirring gently until spices are aromatic. Add stock and simmer until lentils are soft. You may need to add more stock or water (35-40 mins) then add the fresh vegetables and simmer for another 20 mins until veg are soft. Add lemon juice, fresh coriander and salt to taste. Serve with a dollop of yoghurt if you wish.