Dates for your diary
Café at the Barn | Wed 8th Feb 10.30- 12.00 |
Potato Day | Sunday 12th Feb 12 – 2pm |
Preparing for Spring: discussion facilitated by Juliet (12 – 1pm), followed by lunch (1 – 2pm) | Sunday 19th Feb |
Art at the Barn **NEW** | Tues 21st Feb 10.30 – 1.00 |
Maintenance working party | Sun 5th March 10.00- 12.00 |
Café at the Barn | Wed 8th March 10.30-12.00 |
Bee talk by Esther (12 – 1pm), followed by lunch (1 – 2pm) | Sun 26th March |
Trading Shed Survey – your views needed
As agreed at the AGM, an urgent priority this year is to address the deteriorating condition of the Trading Shed. We will need to raise funds to rebuild the Shed. It’s therefore a good time to reflect on the value of the Trading Shed to the allotment community. Please take a few minutes to complete a short survey. We will collate your responses and present them at a Barn discussion and invite further comments and ideas for how we might develop the Trading Shed. Click on the link to the survey here.
Potato Day
Come and collect your potato orders from the Barn between 12 and 2 on Sunday 12th February. To avoid long queues it would be good ( if possible) if those with plot numbers up to plot 60 come 12-1 and those plot 60 and above come from 1-2pm.
The trading shed will be open as normal from 11-12 and there will be some loose potatoes (not all varieties), onions and shallots available there and on following Sundays while stocks last. From then on and up until end of October the trading shed will be open EVERY SUNDAY from 11-12
Art at the Barn
Garry Doyland has arranged for Phil Hood, a local artist, to trial a (free) Art at the Barn session, using charcoal, pencil and paper on Tuesday 21st Feb from 10.30 – 1.00. If you would like to attend please let us know at (max 10 places).
Maintenance working parties
These will be recommence on an approx. monthly basis from March. The next one is on Sunday 5th March 10.00-12.00. These are led by our dedicated (in both senses of the word!) maintenance team of Ian and Garry. There’s always lots to maintain around the site, please do consider giving some of your time, even if you can’t make the full 2 hours. Meet at the Trading Shed. Jobs in March include track filling near the Montenotte gate and on the Wood Vale track, repairing wheelbarrows, and pruning hedges/ trees along the north boundary.
Site Inspection
Haringey has a new Allotment Officer, Victoria Stone, and she will be undertaking a site inspection in April/May. Now is a good time to start making sure your plot is ‘inspection-ready’ and complies with the conditions of your tenancy agreement. A reminder that Haringey guidance states that 75% of your plot must be for the cultivation of vegetables, fruit, flowers and herbs. At the site inspection the Allotment Officer will be checking that plots are well cultivated/being prepared for the next growing season, and that weeds are kept under control. Please also ensure your plot is clearly numbered and the internal and surrounding paths are kept clear. If you are struggling, or have personal circumstances making it difficult for you to manage your plot, please let us know.
SHA Facebook Group
A reminder that there is now a Shepherds Hill Allotment site private Facebook group which has been set up by Deborah, one of our plot holders. The purpose of the group is to support connections between our community for sharing practical advice, resources, ideas, events and informal buying/selling/recycling or swapping of allotment produce or equipment between plot holders. Please note that the Facebook group is in addition to and does not replace the regular site newsletter or emails. To join the group search on Facebook for ‘Shepherds Hill N8 Allotment Community’, and then you will see an option to join the group.
These should be being sent out by Haringey any day now. Please check your spam/junk box in case the invoice has ended up there.
The allotment committee
February 2023