Reminder – pick up your new key before 31st July
The locks on all three gates are changing at midday on Monday 31st July.  You can pick up a new key from outside the Barn on Saturdays 2-3pm or Sundays 11-12 before then.  
Thank you from Harington
Below is a copy of the thank you letter we’ve received from the Harington scheme for our donation from the Plant Sale in May.  Thanks to all for making this such a success.
Car parking
There have been several incidents recently of cars being blocked in – if you park your car on site please make sure you leave your phone no. on the dashboard so you can be contacted if needs be.
Food Bank donations
Now harvests are in full swing the Hornsey Food Bank will be beginning collections of any surplus produce on Tuesdays from Tuesday 25th July.  Please leave any produce you have in the baskets by the Barn.
Site etiquette
A reminder that fruit growing along by the paths belongs to a plot holder and is not for others to pick!  But do keep paths clear and any brambles cut back.
AGM minutes
Thanks to those who attended the interim AGM last month.  Draft minutes now available on the website.

Pot Luck Supper and BBQ at the Barn – Sunday 6th August
Following the success of our last supper and BBQ at the Barn we are holding another one on Sunday 6thAugust, 6pm onwards, weather permitting.  Bring some food to share (and/or to put on the BBQ) and your own drink.  Everyone welcome.
The café at the Barn and Sunday lunches are taking a break during July and August and will resume again in September.
It’s a good time of year to remind everyone of the watering guidance available on the website under resources.  Please be mindful to water responsibly and ensure you never leave a hosepipe on unattended.

Art at the Barn
This is an activity run at the Barn by a local artist Phil Hood. The sessions run once a month normally on the first Monday of every month from 10.30am to approximately 1pm. Up until now it has been a casual arrangement of turn up and pay in cash £6.
To ensure enough people will take part we are changing the way you pay and to engage you with a little more long term commitment which allows Phil to know how many people will be there. Therefore we ask you commit to attending for 4 months starting 

  • Monday 7th August
  • Monday 18th September (away on holiday for the first Monday of September)
  • Monday 2nd October
  • Monday 6th November.

The cost will be £24 per person, once the group is set up you won't be able to get a refund if you miss a session, but if enough people don't commit then all the money paid to Phil will be refunded by him. There will be a cafe open on these days as well selling drinks and cakes.
If you wish to join the group please email Phil at 
He will give you a bank account number and sort code, and confirm with you if the group is viable and will run.
The Allotment Committee
July 2023

15:16, 14 Jul 2023 by Website Admin