Potato day is on Sunday 11th February. There’s still time to order potatoes. Separate email with details to follow.
There’s a stack of freshly cut logs going free in the car park by the Wood Vale track, so please help yourself.
2024 dates for your diary:
- Discussion/lunch – Sunday 21st Jan. Discussion on Preparing for Spring 12.00 - 1.00pm, followed by lunch 1 – 2pm.
- Café at the Barn – Wed 14th Feb 10.30 – 12 noon.
- Potato Day - Sunday 11th Feb. Times to follow. Tea, coffee and cakes available in the Barn.
- Discussion/lunch – Sunday 25th Feb.
- Café at the Barn – Wed 13th March 10.30 -12 noon.
- Discussion/lunch – Sunday 24th March
And we hope to hold another craft afternoon in the Spring. Date to follow.
Barn Bridge
If you would like to play some bridge, or come along to learn (all standards welcome) then do join the Bridge WhatsApp group, where we organise ad hoc dates to meet and play in the Barn. Send Garry Doyland a message on 07806 695199 and he’ll add you to the WhatsApp group.
Help needed in 2024!
The Barn events – cafes, lunches, etc. are a great success and it’s wonderful to see so many people enjoying the Barn as a meeting place. BUT we need more volunteers to help with making a cake, or a soup, or helping with serving or washing up at a Sunday lunch. Please look at the dates above, and let us know if you can help in any way. And a reminder that our policy is to reimburse any cooks £5 per cake or soup etc.
Happy growing to all in 2024!
Annie, Garry, Ian, Jill, Jo, Julie, Juliet, Nev, Trevor
The SHA allotment committee