Potato Day
Come and collect your potato orders this Sunday 11th February in the Barn (not the Trading Shed) between 10.00 – 1.00. We will be serving tea, coffee and cakes too.
Message from Haringey about invoices
The allotment officer has informed us that they are having technical problems with preparing invoices for this year, and there will be a delay in getting them out to tenants. We will let you know when to expect your invoice once we have further news.
Dates for your Diary
Café at the Barn | Wed 14th Feb | 10.30 – 12.00. Come along for tea, cake and coffee |
Games at the Barn | Tues 20th Feb | 1.00 – 4pm. Cards and Backgammon. All welcome – beginners and experienced players |
Discussion group & lunch | Sun 25th Feb | 12.00 – 1.00 and lunch 1.00 – 2.00. |
Craft afternoon at the Barn | Sun 3rd March | 12 noon onwards. Bring your own craft to share (and bring your lunch) |
Café at the Barn | Wed 13th March | 10.30 – 12.00. |
Discussion group & lunch | Sun 24th March | 12.00 – 1.00 and lunch 1.00 – 2.00 |
Café at the Barn | Wed 10th April | 10.30 – 12.00. |
SHA AGM | Sun 28th April | 12.00 – 1.00, followed by lunch. More details to follow |
SHA Annual Plant Sale | Sun 12th May | More details to follow. |
Volunteers needed
As ever we need more volunteers to help with making a cake, or soup, or helping with serving or washing up at a Sunday lunch or other Barn event. We’ve set up a Barn Events WhatsApp group to coordinate help at each event. If you able to volunteer (even just occasionally) and are happy to join the WhatsApp group please write into info@ with your phone no. and we will add you to the group. Many thanks.
Spring site inspection
With a Spring site inspection by the Council due in April/May, it’s a good time to remind everyone of a few pointers:
- Plots must show evidence of full cultivation. The Council’s definition of full cultivation is that 75% of each plot should be fully cultivated within a complete growing season. Further details about the definition of cultivation can be found in the ‘Tenants Notes and Responsibilities’ document under the Resources section of the website.
- Make sure your plot is numbered and the number clearly visible from the path.
- The path around your plot must be kept clear (possibly arrange with your neighbour which adjoining paths you are responsible for).
- Fruit trees should be kept at a maximum height of 3 – 4 metres.
- Please inform the Committee and the Council of any changes in either house or email addresses.
- Those with large or perhaps unmanageable plots please consider halving them to make them more productive. Bear in mind that there are around 100 people waiting for a plot at Shepherds Hill and it is now taking approximately six years for someone going on the waiting list to be offered a plot.
Please note that the Committee has made a decision to ban the use of weedkillers containing glyphosate on the site. This is in line with other allotment sites and local Councils. You can read more about the detrimental effects of glyphosate on health and the environment here:
Annie, Garry, Ian, Jill, Jo, Julie, Juliet, Nev, Trevor
The SHA allotment committee