PLEASE Help with  the Plant Sale on 12th May
It’s an important fund raiser as well as being a fun event. Half of the proceeds will go to The Harington Scheme.

  • run a stall (veg and herbs, ornamentals, annuals, bric-a-brac/tools) 11.30-3pm
  • bake a cake and bring it to the Barn between 11 and 11.45am
  • help set up stalls 11-12
  • provide plants, labelled and priced and brought to the stalls at 11am
  • serve in the Barn Cafe 11.30-3pm

If you can offer help with any of these please send an email to Annie stating the ways in which you can help.
Thank you to everyone who turned up to our AGM on a cold and rainy day on Sunday 28th April.  The Barn was packed with around 40 people, and the meeting included a good discussion of the various options for progressing our priorities for the year: repairing the Montenotte Road track, repairing/rebuilding the Trading Shed, and providing a toilet on site.  A summary of the discussion and key points raised are included in the AGM draft minutes, available on the website.
There are two spaces on the Committee for co-opted members, and we welcome hearing from anyone who would like to consider joining.  Please get in touch via info@ if you are interested, or would like more information about what is involved.
Dates for the diary

  • Maintenance working party: MONDAY 6th May 10 – 1pm
  • Plant Sale: Sunday 12th May 12 – 3pm
  • Café at the Barn – Wed 12th June 10.30 – 12
  • SUMMER PARTY AT THE BARN: evening, Sat 15th June BYOB and something for the BBQ.  More details to follow.  Save the date.
  • Barn discussion and lunch: Sunday 23rd June 

(Please note: no café at the Barn in May)
Plot 83 and communal composting area
The site bee plot has moved from Plot 83 and we are busy developing it into an area where everyone can bring their green waste, and develop a communal composting system.  The first steps are to clear the plot, build composting bays, and construct a dead hedge where woody material such as branches can be put.  Please do not put any further waste by the Wood Vale gate; bring it to Plot 83 and follow the instructions on the signage (see example below).  The aim is to reduce the use of bonfires on the site, and eventually to create a supply of communal compost for the site.

Annie, Garry, Ian, Jill, Jo, Julie, Juliet, Nev, Trevor
The SHA allotment committee

17:47, 03 May 2024 by Website Admin