june 1june 2
Open garden to visit in June
Stephanie, a SHA tenant, works at a beautiful garden at the Friends Meeting House in Winchmore Hill (see flyer below).  Their open day is next Sunday 9th June 2 – 5pm – do make a visit if you can. Free entry and refreshments.
Plant Sale – thanks to all
The plant sale on the 12th May was a wonderful day, enjoyed by many, and with thanks to all who helped to make it so successful.  We raised a record-breaking £1700, half of which we donate to the Harington scheme, as in previous years.
Repair of fence by Queens Wood gate
Thanks also to those who helped with the maintenance working party on Friday 31st May to help clear all the ivy by the fence that has collapsed.  We were joined by some volunteers from Acciona, who funded the solar panels for the Barn, and as part of their community outreach work arrange for employees to volunteer on local projects.  Their help was much appreciated!
Dates for your diary in June

  • Wed 12th June 10.30 – 12 – café at the Barn.
  • Sat 15th June – summer party at the Barn 6pm onwards.   BYOB and something for the BBQ. Weather dependent
  • Sunday 23rd June 12 noon – Discussion group plus pre-Edinburgh Festival ‘fruit and veg’ poetry readings by Professor Richard Pickings! Not to be missed! Followed by lunch at 1.00pm

 More volunteers needed
We need more volunteers to help maintain the communal plot by the Barn.  If you can spare a bit of time please let Annie know.
Enjoy the sunshine (at last!)

Annie, Garry, Ian, Jill, Jo, Julie, Juliet, Nev, Trevor
The SHA allotment committee


19:41, 06 Jun 2024 by Website Admin