Trading Shed news
The concrete slab is now down ready for installing the new trading shed, which should be delivered some time after the 11th February.  We will keep you updated on when we are likely to open the new shed.
At last year’s AGM we agreed to increase the annual subs for the trading shed to £5.00.  We will start collecting these on Potato Day (see below).
Dates for your diary
Maintenance working party Sunday 2nd Feb 10.30am
Please come and help if you can.  We will be working on clearing up around the Barn, mending fencing, and building a new bay for storing (new) wheelbarrows.
Potato day 9th Feb
This will take place in the Barn from 11am - 2pm.  Please come and pick up your orders between these times. Teas and coffees and cakes will be on sale.  NOTE: if you forgot to put in your order in the autumn, there are still most varieties available (Red Duke of York, Maris Peer, Nadine, Charlotte, Nicola and Desiree, all at £1.50/kg).  If you want to order please email Annie direct.
NOTE: There is no Barn Sunday discussion and lunch on 26th January.
Bridge Dates
Tues 4th Feb 10.30 and 28th Feb Fri 2.00pm.  All welcome.
Recent Break-ins
As you’ll have been aware from previous emails, the Barn and a number of sheds were broken into by intruders earlier this month.  We have been advised to ask any tenant whose shed was broken into, even if nothing was stolen, to report the break-in to the police.  You can do that online here: The more reports the police get, the more they are likely to take some action (increased patrols etc.)
Lost and found
Mairead on Plot 79a has lost two white plastic chairs from her plot.  If you have found them please write into info@
Martin on 96A has a hand mower to give away. if you are interested.
SHA Committee
Jan 2025

14:36, 27 Jan 2025 by Website Admin