
1. Update on our community plot 15
The next stage in the exciting development of this plot is to request planning permission from Haringey. This is now underway. At the same time, we are putting together a draft brief outlining ideas for use of the plot. We've already received some helpful feedback but want to encourage everyone to contribute their ideas. We'll be posting the draft brief on the website soon and inviting comments. Watch this space.

2. Advance notice of help needed to make the site more secure
After the spate of break-ins last year, we've undertaken a detailed inspection of the perimeter fencing, identifying sections that need urgent attention. In some areas the ground needs clearing before new fencing can be erected. We'll be announcing some dates soon for working parties to help with clearing the ground.

3. Free top soil
Sandra von Haselberg of 40a Rosebery Gardens, N88SH is once again offering free topsoil to anyone who'd like to collect it from the front of her house. Her telephone number is 07985 674308, although she says you don't need to phone her before collecting it.

4. Date for your diaries - Plant sale
Our annual plant sale will take place on Sunday 12th May at 2.00pm in front of the trading shed. Please start thinking now about what extra things you can grow to donate to the stalls. Annuals, ornamentals, veg, herbs... all contributions gratefully received. If you need plastic pots for your seedlings please write to and Annie will provide you with as many as you'd like.

5. Notice from Haringey about 2019 invoicing
Most of you will have received a letter from Haringey's new allotment officer, Emi Mehmet, introducing himself and checking tenants' contact details for invoicing purposes. If you haven't received this letter please get in touch with Emi at

6. Promoting the use of natural pesticides
One of our tenants forwarded this interesting piece about natural pesticides from the organic Riverford farmer Guy Watson. Read it here.

A reminder to look at the website from time to time. We put up future dates and notices there.

Julie, Annie, Trevor, Julia, Juliet, Gary, Jill, Ian, Lynn (co-opted - Trading Shed Manager) and Nick (co-opted - Treasurer).
The Site Committee January 2019

16:53, 28 Jan 2019 by Website Admin