Plot 15 Community Space

Update on Plot 15 Community Space
Good news, we’ve received planning permission from Haringey for the new community meeting space on Plot 15 and have submitted a funding application to the Lottery Fund. We will know the outcome in 10 weeks. The sketch here is a first impression of what the plot might look like; lots still to be discussed and refined. We’re keen for more people to become involved in taking this exciting project forward and spread the workload. If you would like to help please contact us on

Plant sale success
A big thank you to everyone who came along to our most successful plant sale yet, and especially to those who made cakes, grew things, and helped on the stalls. We raised a very impressive £1740.00. As in previous years, we donate 50% to the Harington Scheme. The rest goes towards projects to maintain and improve the site.

Making the site more secure
This week a contractor is putting up new improved fencing and gate at the Queen’s Wood entrance.

More plants for sale
There are still some plants from the plant sale available, mostly winter veg. These will be on sale in the trading shed for the next few Sundays. Come in and grab a bargain!

Hedgehog Awareness
Last week was hedgehog awareness week. The British Hedgehog Preservation Society has identified some simple things we can all do to help hedgehogs:
Make sure there are CD case sized gaps in boundary fences and walls to allow easy passage (the new fencing at the Queen’s Wood entrance will include a hedgehog highway).
Move piles of rubbish to a new site before burning it.
Check areas carefully before mowing or strimming.
Ensure netting is kept at a safe height.
Check compost heaps before digging the fork in.
Consider alternatives to slug pellets that contain the chemical metaldehyde. Hedgehogs are at risk if they eat slugs and snails that have died from eating pellets containing this chemical.
Cover drains or deep holes.
Ensure there is an easy route out of ponds & pools.

Is your hedge neighbour-friendly?
Please note that the Tenancy Agreement states that it is your responsibility to maintain any hedges and fences on your plot so as not to cast shade on adjoining plots. We have had some complaints about overgrown hedges. If you think your neighbour’s hedge is encroaching on yours and feel unable to talk with them about it contact us on

Co-workers and joint tenants
If you have someone else working regularly on your plot, you must apply for them to become a co-worker or joint tenant. Please refer to the Council’s guidance on this, available on the site website. Joint tenants can have their own key; if someone is a co-worker you must be there when they are working on your plot and they should not have a key. Please make sure you comply with regulations.

And don’t forget, your plot must be clearly numbered.

Next working party dates
These continue to be on the second Sunday of the month during the summer. Refreshments provided.
Sunday 9th June 11.00 – 1.00pm. Working on path maintenance. We need as many people as possible to come and help. Meet at the trading shed.
Sunday 14th July 11.00 – 1.00pm – Weeding of herbaceous border by main gate. Bring gloves, trowel and clippers.

Julie, Annie, Trevor, Julia, Juliet, Gary, Jill, Ian, Lynn (co-opted - Trading Shed Manager) and Nick (co-opted - Treasurer).
The Site Committee, May 2019


12:13, 17 May 2019 by Website Admin